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18 December 2023
Rabbit Mobility Issues
Understanding Rabbit Mobility Issues - Osteoarthritis It is estimated that there are between 1 - 1.5 million pet rabbits in the UK, making them the third most popular pet after dogs and...
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18 December 2023
Common Cat Hazards
As all cat owners know, cats are curious and playful animals. However, as per the old saying, this same curiosity can often get them into trouble! Take a look as we cover some common hazards that...

18 December 2023
Obesity and Weight Loss in...
It’s no secret that obesity in humans is associated with various health problems; with arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease all linked to a larger waistline. However,...
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18 December 2023
Hydrotherapy and physiotherapy...
Hydrotherapy and physiotherapy for dogs and cats If you’ve ever had any sort of joint, muscle, or nerve injury then you’ll likely be familiar with physiotherapy, which can be an...